Summer Gatherings: Gourmet Hot Dog Bar

With many states having to tighten up their social distancing restrictions, this Fourth of July weekend is bound to look different for many of us than it has in summers past. Despite the circumstances, I'm grateful that my city has planned six separate fireworks shows around town so that no matter where you live, you'll be able to see one or more shows from a safe social distance.

Whatever the situation in your state, I hope you still have something small but festive planned. Be it an intimate BBQ with family or friends, a moonlit picnic in your own backyard, or simply packing up some snacks and watching the fireworks from your car. I believe it's these small moments of merriment that can help this season of life feel a bit less like an inconvenience and more like an opportunity to create cozy quarantine memories.

If you should find yourself in need of some inspiration, I teamed up with Hunker and Walmart to create a gourmet hot dog bar, to be enjoyed quarantine-style at home. From table decor to unique flavor combos to free printables and a DIY condiment caddy, we have something for even the most discerning epicureans among you. You can find all the details here on Hunker. Happy Independence Day!


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